Tera Reigns Supreme

SS07 Supreme has no doubt been one of the best moments in my career . Back in 2007 when they asked me to collaborate with renowned photographer  Kenneth Capello in NYC we created some sensual imagery that became classic collectors items . I was featured on two T-shirts. The “Je...


Eckhaus Latta Sunglasses Campaign

It’s Hot in here … Summertime is finally here in Northern Italy and I get to break out my three favorite summer essentials . Sunscreen , shorts and sunglasses. I’m featured with Tony Ward in the new Eckhaus Latta Sunglasses campaign shot by Rob Kulisek http://robkulisek.com and it was amazing...



Crabby in Krabi – The Rocky Part of our Thailand trip

Krabi by The Sea .. Leaving Chiang Mai in the beautiful mountains it was time to spend the last two weeks of our Thailand trip by the sea. For months Alberto and I watched our favorite YouTuber Paddy Doyle document his entire journey through every providence in Thailand and we...


X3 Expo in Los Angeles

My first X3 Expo ! Hey guys it’s pouring rain at home here in Italy so I’m catching you all up on my travels ! Christmas 2023 and the New year brought me back to Los Angeles . I stayed an extra three weeks to attend my very first X3...


ItsMeSpkn2U – Ep. 132 With Tera Patrick

Speaking with Jeffery Wilson Hi everyone! It’s been a minute since I’ve made a podcast appearance and I’m back with THREE new ones ! First up I reconnect with my friend Jeffery Wilson on ItsMeSpkn2U. We do a deep dive into my accident , our favorite theories surrounding covid and...


Escape to LA

Escape to LA for Christmas Christmas in Los angeles was epic this year! Does anybody even say epic anymore LOL 2019 was the last time my family and I were able to return to LA because of the lockdown.  We flew from Italy and arrived on Christmas Day just in...


Fresh Cherry Compote

What is Fresh Cherry Compote? Compote is simply fruit slowly simmered in water , sugar and spices. A lot of recipes for compote use either lemon juice or orange juice to add a sour acidic finish . On cold rainy days like the one I’m having today it’s such a...


My week in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai

Chiang Mai Thailand Week Two My second week in Thailand we traveled north to Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai.  A quick one hour flight from Don Muang airport in Bangkok took us to the beautiful mountain ranges of the Thai highlands. Chiang Rai was also on our itinerary and this...


The Granny Panty Podcast

The Granny Panty Podcast Life after P0rn is not what you think. You’d be surprised to hear all about what Tera Patrick had to say about the industry before, during, and now after it’s all been said and done. Sit down and tune into the latest #TheGrannyPantyPodcast with Tera Patrick...


Chatting with Candice

Chatting with Candice If there’s one thing my mouth does well it’s chat ! This may come as a surprise to you but give me some good company and off I’ll go! I love doing podcasts and when Candice slid into my DM’s back in 2021 asking me to come...


Shaved Fennel Salad with Pomegranate

  Before I moved to Italy I had fennel three or four times in my life. Fennel wasn’t something I’d stumble upon at my local Trader Joes or Ralph’s. In 2015 when I came to Italy for my feature dance tour I was served a shaved fennel salad as a...


My Week in Thailand – Bangkok

Teradise found … It’s exactly one month since I’ve come back from Thailand and I can say with absolute certainty that this was the greatest trip of my life so far. Thailand is country number one hundred and two that I’ve visited and why have I waited so long to...


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