Buongiorno! Good Morning!! Wow it’s been a minute since I’ve been “here” and it happens to be the day (after) my five year anniversary of arriving in Italy, which was August 28th 2015, once lost (sort of) in translation. It seems like yesterday but not really. If anything,the feelings I had reminiscing about this journey, which started five years ago brought me to the same feelings I’ve experienced during lockdown. Speaking of how are you guys doing? I know worldwide everyone has had a different phase or time zone of lockdown. Here in my region of Italia we went into a complete lockdown on March 11th and it ended May 1st. It was a true lockdown in the “lockdown” sense. We were allowed to get food at a few markets that were open. Our local Bread Shoppe, Fish Mercato, and Pharmacy, those were all open so we weren’t struggling for food. My region wasn’t the most affected so our city was quiet, and very calm. No toliet paper hoarding (REALLY America LOL), no hoarding or doomsday prepping here.I ventured out a few times during that period just really to take a walk and get some fresh air. I enjoyed how quiet and calm our city was honestly. For the most part I enjoyed the time “off”, although I had some work to keep me busy I caught up on some reading, studying, and some classic cinema. My husband and I enjoyed having some calm quiet nights together, on the couch just savoring each others company, it was really nice…
When I first arrived here in Italia I can remember feeling excited,not really nervous. My ex-partner Tony, who we share our daughter Sophia, came with me to get us settled. Even though Tony and I separated two years into our relationship, we have remained very close, good friends. We support each other, and we have managed to raise our daughter together on two continents giving her the best life possible. We have both also remarried and I adore his new partner. She is so lovely and I am grateful our daughter has two sets of loving parents, I mean shit, who even has one set these days right!! I was feature dancing here in Italy so my manager at the time came to pick us up from the airport and drove us to our new apartment. I had to choose an apartment online so I was anxious to see what we were (literally) getting ourselves into! The first thing I notice is how small everything is compared to my spacious home back in LA,BUT I am not here to compare! I am here to start a new journey!!! Sophia and I love our place, and Tony sets out to do some simple home maintenance so we can be extra comfortable.
For the next two weeks while he’s here we do some exploring. It’s the tail end of August so some places in Italy which are usually closed for the entire month are starting to open back up, yay! It’s kind of the best AND worst time to move. Not only IS everything closed but everyone is kinda still on that “coming off my holiday” vibe and doesn’t want to lift a toe to literally do anything. It’s a solid 45 days before I can get wifi (UGHHHHHH) but at least I know where the closest market, bakery, and laundry mat are until I can get the big appliances in! Good thing our apartment for the most part was furnished and had a kitchen already! I was about to learn this brutal lesson with my next house I took three months later. I wanted more space, and a bedroom for Sophia so I wanted a brand new empty place I insisted! It has to be BRAND NEW!! Oh yea the relator says, you got it!! Fuck me in the ass do you know how DIFFICULT it is to put a kitchen in a new place???!! An ENTIRE kitchen! It’s also fucking expensive! Even if you go the “cheap” route and go to that hell of a place IKEA, no no no no…
Back to my original rant about how it’s like hella hard to even find a reliable guy to install your entire f$$$ing kitchen???!!! You need a gas guy AND a plumber because really how often do you ever find a unicorn of a man who can truly do it all!?!? Alright well I did it, but after Tony left I started to have those”feelings” I was talking about. After Sophia would go to sleep I found myself thinking “What in the actual fuck am I doing”, where am I??? Should I have thought this through a bit more? Wait I’m in ITALY!!! I can remember the conversation with my sister Deb, the night before our flight is leaving. I tell her, “maybe this isn’t a good idea? Maybe I’m crazy? Maybe I should stay here I mean I am comfortable???” I have everything I need”?? My sister and I are quite the opposite of each other. While both of us are intelligent, hard working, and level headed (I think?) I have always been the risk taker – spontaneous – nomad – I will figure it out when I get there one. Deb is an excellent listener and she has ALWAYS been my rock. For real though, I can’t think of one moment in my life where she hasn’t been there for me AND as the non judgemental voice of reason. I wasn’t one hundred percent sure I wanted to be so far away from someone I’ve always considered a safety net for me!?? THIS is like, the one reason right? Why people don’t GO! Why they don’t go and see what else is out there, and live their best life? It’s that fear of separating and abandoning their family, friends or any kind of support that they feel can be beneficial for them. Sigh… well it’s not their life you’re, living it’s YOURS and the one and only thing Deb said even IF she wanted me to stay for her own reasons (maybe not I could be projecting LOL) was “oh don’t trip! The only obstacle for you is going to be the language”! You are strong and adaptable you can do anything, you are going to be fine and think of alllll the incredible experiences you are giving Sophia! You are both going to grow so much!!
Absolutely Deb was one hundred percent right. GROWTH. This was the main reason for me leaving my comfy, cozy, shiny life in Los Angeles. I wasn’t growing. I wanted different experiences and just a different quality of life. I have traveled so much and I was sort of feeling like I belonged somewhere else. I also wanted this for Sophia. I wanted her to not grow up in this bubble. I wanted her to speak other languages, to travel to more countries, to experience what life is like on the other side of the world. Traveling has only humbled me and made me MORE aware of how vast and beautiful our planet truly is. It’s easy to give our children material gifts, clothes, toys, electronics, but I wanted to enrich her with knowledge, culture and experiences. I knew that dancing on some weekends would allow me to socialize, perpetuate other revenue streams and keep my adult brand growing but I also wanted to finish school… That’s another post….
Sigh those “feelings” I was having when I first arrived..I said it was similar to the feelings I had when we (Italy) and I guess parts of the world went into Lockdown… Kind of a mix of isolation, uncertainty, excitement, and nostalgia…. all balled up in one. What is going on right now in the world? What about the future? Webcamming is what got me through both of these periods if you can believe it!?? Yes it was going online and connecting in a roundabout way with fans and friends that would bring me some happiness, comfort and obviously compensation. I thought that I would just casually pick up Italian in my day to day life (HA)!! Well it depends on how you would learn a language but I found this in the beginning to obviously not be the case. It seems SO SIMPLE right? Like you’re just magically going “pick up” the language and start speaking and communicating with everyone. That just isn’t the case right off the bat. Of course I knew many basic phrases. I knew how to say hello, goodbye, Pay me now please (quite useful) but grammar kinda comes in handy, and while learning words is very easy it’s when you have to make complete sentences that starts to trip you up.That’s when it clicks and you go ohhhhhhhhh ok time to stop asking my three year old to translate for me and I just have to learn this for myself!! I swear to GOD people would literally talk to Sophia and at age three – four she understood and spoke enough to gently tell me “mom no, that’s not how you say it”…. I only wanted to speak English (how ignorant) and here’s how stubborn I was, I kept my American phone. It was my landline and I wasn’t giving it up! I still needed to hear american accents and vent to my sister with ease when I had a confusing day because I bought the wrong thing at the supermercato or when I would attempt to pay a utility bill at the tabacchi and no one understood my hard LA Accent trying to speak in Italian! Don’t get me wrong though, day to day I was really enjoying our new life. I was getting the hang of living abroad and working out the minor glitches. There was a new adventure to look forward to everyday. I had some places I wanted to take Sophia to, so we started to”wander” around Italia. Naples, Pompei, Verona, Genoa, Puglia, I was so curious to see more of Italy and everywhere we went we experienced so much fun, hospitality, and kindness from the locals it was really easy to fall in love with our new country we were calling home! I wasn’t just falling in love with Italy though, two months later my fate would change and I would meet the love of my life….
It was in Vicenza, at a strip-nightclub called Kiss Kiss that a tall, beautiful, english speaking, Italian man named Alberto would sweep me off my feet and change the course of my life. I wasn’t open at the time to dating. Like I literally just arrived and was solely focused on my daughter, work and school. In that order. My (now) future husband is an attorney practicing criminal Law and on the advice of his client, joins him for a night out at a strip club, that I happen to be the feature at. He stayed to watch my show and at his clients urging decided to approach me and introduce himself. He had me at “ciao”.. kind of! He was beautiful and kind and when he smiled at me I though ok what’s the harm in having a drink and conversation… That conversation (also probably my boobs) prompted him to follow me to my next two dance appearances where we got to know each other a little bit better. He respected ME, my boundaries , my life as a mother. Everything WE did included Sophia. He never pressured me into giving him anything but showed me, and OMG the intense, insane passion.. Fuck me… gonna stop there haha XXX… He showed us so much of Italy and it was so incredible. I kept a diary daily from our first months here in 2015 until 2020 January, and I only recently opened it up to relive and re-read my emotions during that time period. One reason I love writing so much is it gives me such perspective on how far I’ve grown and come. It’s also very cathartic for me. This was truly the first time in my life where I experienced just living. I was able to connect with someone, be intimate with them and provide such a life for Sophia and I because I had zero “worries”. I was truly open and ready, loving and giving from my whole heart. I had retired from performing in the adult industry in 2008 and when Sophia was born in 2012 I took those years to invest, save and really focus on other things in life that I still yearned to do.
Which brings me to where I am now and how we’ve settled, quite nicely I may add into our La Dolce Vita. I couldn’t be happier. Like I said I’ve always taken risks and ninety nine percent of the time it has worked out for me. That one percent I wold call a lesson. I don’t believe we lose when things don’t work out or go our way, I think we must simply learn that’s all. I’ve jumped from alligator to crocodile and of course I know what it’s like to be in a situation where we just feel “comfortable”. Instead of jumping off or diving in we can or just talk ourselves out of what “could be” or “would be”. We stall, make excuses, over plan and convince ourselves that we need to do allll these things in order to try a new experience, move away, break away from something old, something that isn’t feeding our soul, or putting our happiness first. I will say that I am grateful for the support I had. Tony was very kind and it was brave of him too, to allow me to take our daughter to a new place and see how life would be for her benefit. It takes a lot of trust to let go of your own desires and allow someone else to steer the course of where your daughter’s life could be. I’ve learned about selflessness, on this journey. How I am strong, adaptable,how you really can”start over” (if that’s what you want to call it) and how in our life yes time does fly BUT WE are the pilots! It was an incredible leap of faith I took. reading back to some of the first few journal entries I made when I first arrived I can’t believe what a different place I am in today. This leap has brought me so much joy! I am proud of the incredible life I’ve been able to provide, with my husband. This may not be the place for me to gush about him but my soul is so incredibly happy because of love. Thank you all for being here for me today and everyday as well. It’s because of YOU my loyal loving fans that I am still inspired to create, and you have been here for me since I started in 1999 through each and every phase of my life :}}} Thank you from my heart :}} XO Tera