
Ciao! This week AVN is upon us .I’m going to call it AVN because that’s what I remember calling the Adult Industry Expo held once a year in Las Vegas , Nevada . I’m not sure when it changed over to AEE . I’m going to recall some of my own personal time at the Expo and share some tips and tricks of what worked for me during this crazy fun time of The Porn Oscars….. I’ve always said that this is the week and on the awards night we are all validated for our hard work we put into our productions, content, branding and image .Why is  this validation among our peers so important? To some of us it’s not. To others it’s their entire existence.  To have your movie nominated and your scenes  is something that causes some ladies to have a full on panic attack, or its complete  excitement.  Me personally I didn’t really care so much. My reputation and bank account were way more important to me. The directors and agents were just as bad, pitting the ladies against each other  and saying “oh if you win your movies will sell more and you will make more money and get the box cover! YOU could even get a contract “I did win a few awards and my gratitude has always been directed to my fans . So why are we  even going to the AVN show? It’s about your fans. It’s the one week that fans get to meet us in person. They get an autograph and photo with their favorite star  plus it great for talent to network and sell merchandise .The lines and days are long. I remember signing for a MINIMUM of 8-9 hours those days. I always did my own hair and make up. I also bought my own coffee pot TIP 1!  (Hello Kitty of Course)!  Chopper was at every show, and you never saw me without a bottle of water. I had a bag of snacks, and a bag of goods that I always packed. Being  in a casino for a week straight you’d be surprised at how much money you save bringing just a few things from home that can treat a variety of things that can pop up. You may or may not have time to run out and get stuff or send someone so trust me if you’re driving pack a few of these extra things and if you’re flying, then you can stop at CVS or Walgreens and get these extras super easy. It will save you time and money. Before my tips here’s my brief story of my first AVN: It was Jan 2000 and I was signing with Teri Weigal, Nikki Tyler and Julia Ann! So much fun! Teri was so kind. She showed me how to sign my name. I mean I didn’t think I’d be signing autographs my first show So why would I need to know how to sign “Tera Patrick” and then come up with all these cute sayings with it?  So naive I was..Over the years I took turns signing at my own booth TeraVision and the Vivid booth. I can remember so many women whom I looked up to just being so kind . Jeanna Fine, Sharon Mitchell, Amber Lynn, Chloe, and Janine.. I was so starstruck when I met Janine  for the first time.. I still am! She will always my favorite. She’s just so fierce and beautiful . hope your AVN kicks ass and you gals and guys make TONS of money! I hope it’s a positive experience for you and I hope what I’ve done and learned along the way helps a bit!! Have fun XO Tera BE NICE!! I can’t stress this enough! I know it’s freakin hard especially after a long ass day but the new girls could use kindness.  Fans often travel so far just to meet you and It’s humble of them to approach you after waiting in line so if they say something annoying just smile and try to deflect. They might just be nervous! YourHealth! Drink water! Buy a case at CVS and keep it in your room , get some electrolytes or Zinc tabs for immunity . You could also put a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in your water bottle and drink that first thing when you wake up. You’re coming in contact with so many people so keep your immune system strong! Wet Wipes (I prefer these to hand sanitizer . Kind Bars , protein bars, nuts, dried fruit, whole grain crackers, string cheese, tuna kits, apples, bananas, these don’t need to be refrigerated (the cheese yes) and can tuck into your bag /purse easily for a pick me up… Don’t starve yourself! At least every 3 hours you should drink a bottle of water and have a snack. I know it’s hard to take breaks but 15 minutes to recharge every few hours is necessary to keep you going, your mood up and your body happy  so it’s worth it!! Bring a small coffee pot if you can / electric tea kettle if your room already has one AWESOME!! Some don’t. I use mine to make my own coffee in the AM, tea at night and sometimes soups and stuff when I’m on the road. You can get one for cheap at CVS too and leave it behind if needed I mean hey you’ve probably spent way more money on something you didn’t need and I can assure you that after long ass days NOT wanting to go down and stand in line for coffee in the AM and having a nice cup of hot tea before bed is worth the 20$ you will spend on one at CVS to get you through the week!! I also brought a heating pad with me on those trips but I like one on my back and feet after long days and they fold up easy in