Lockdown Labor Day 2020

Yoga - stretch !

Happy Labor Day weekend! It’s a three day weekend what will you do with that extra day off ? This is typically a time for BBQ’s and get togethers but with lockdown and social distancing I’m assuming for my friends and family in the USA this isn’t going to be possible. During this lockdown period I’ve taken the opportunity to reach out to many friends. I know we get busy with our daily grind so I don’t expect to hear from certain friends every few months. I talked to my sister every Sunday no matter what. Every Sunday we just spend a few hours in between loads of laundry, cooking, and random mom – wife sh$$, leaving each other long voice notes on What’s App. My best friend Charmane and I talk everyday. I have my husband, Mom, Dad, and and a few girlfriends I’m able to just rant to when I need it. Everyone wants to throw 2020 in the trash but hold up a second.. As crappy as this year has been it is important to keep a few things in perspective. The first is prioritizing my health. This isn’t the time to gain heaps of weight, and  become indolent. Everyday is an opportunity to better yourself.  This has become a time of uncertainty for many, but sitting around stressing about everything right now is counterproductive. It’s also detrimental to your health both spiritual and physical…. Something I started doing was meditating… I tend to be an empath and when friends ask me for advice I sometimes find myself a bit drained. That doesn’t mean I don’t like to listen or be there I do. I love to listen, discuss and give advice. I found that meditation gives me a lot of clarity. It has  helped me become less reactive especially in discussions and my business. Before bed I  like to do my second session of yoga. I do thirty minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night. Yoga and just some basic stretching helps me let go of tension. I hold so much tension in my neck, shoulders, traps, and scapula. I keep a tennis balls handy ( see pic )and posture curve http://posturecurve.comI’ll even use every door frame in the house on my shoulder blades and lower back to press tension out of me! Resistance bands are a great addition to help with stretching and flexibility with the added bonus of being lightweight and easy to take when traveling. On the contrary this year has been liberating for some. When we go through hard times it tends to make us reflective. This year of lockdown has brought out many underlying issues that we as a society are forcing ourselves and countless others to acknowledge. Even if you don’t actively watch the news or side with one political party and follow politics, you can’t turn a blind eye to what’s circulating on social media. Some of us are seeing who our real friends and family are. We find ourselves wondering ” were they always this way”? How did I not see this?  Share your opinion on ANYTHING that has to do with Vaccines, Corona Virus and you’re  labeled a conspiracy theorist . No one is allowed to have different ideas or views. The shouting begins! You’re stupid’ you’re a porn star what do you know! I’ve been told by countless fans I should be more active on social media ESPECIALLY when it comes to politics but to be honest I don’t want to. I can have calm, insightful, discussions with family and friends and that’s what I choose. As an entertainer  I prefer to show the positive aspects of my life. This doesn’t mean my life is without problems or that I don’t  go through things. I don’t feel the need to  share them online . My family issues or problems are for my family and I to resolve. Taking to social media for therapy isn’t healthy. So much of this  oversharing exists online today and it’s hard to decipher who or what is really serious. Is it just “let’s fake some struggles for clout…”? That’s what entertainment has become and I am not feeding into that.Sharing my problems for attention and sympathy has never been or  will never be me. So in closing and in reference to my blog title… I wanted to share a story I read on another blog called http://www.feastingathome.com/chipotle-mayo/  I was cooking shrimp tacos and somehow ran across this lovely blog. There’s a few cooking blogs I like to reference, usually Gordon Ramsey but hers came up instead and I’m so happy it did!  Her name is Sylvia Fountaine http://www.feastingathome.comI saw this post for chipotle mayo and though Ooooh! Here’s  some other sauce/ salsa I can make since I’ve been on this nonstop binge of salsa and hot sauces!! What I read was a beautiful story about her mother. I shared it with two of my friends who are both at a crossroads in their lives right now too. One is contemplating divorce and another a new career path… If we’ve learned anything from what’s happening around the world right now it’s that change IS constant and it’s always happening. Maybe it’s because  as we go on our day to day  life routine we don’t see new laws being passed, we take what’s on the news and don’t question it or at this point we just don’t know who or what to believe anymore.  Some of us haven’t had our jobs taken away so  we haven’t been  affected as much. That doesn’t mean we should shut our own eyes and feelings off to those around us who are. This IS a time to seriously evaluate our own place in life. To stay healthy, to have hope that things are going to be ok. Everyone is processing what’s going on in their own way so if you don’t hear from someone try not to take it personal or better yet reach out

Lockdown Round 1

Lockdown Two months In We are two months in of Lockdown .The time is passing so fast. Being at home all the time is way more work than working outside. I enjoy most of the same things I did before like errands  and grocery shopping  What I notice the most is that it’s very quiet in my city.  No one is out and about only food markets and pharmacies are open so no one is having a coffee or aperitivo . It’s wild to see your city completely closed up with no life outside. The climate also has been very beautiful! It’s super warm and always sunny. I like to do a thirty minute meditation and  yoga in the morning and night. It keeps me feeling healthy, peaceful. This is the time I connect with myself.  If I don’t do yoga I don’t sleep good. Last year we had snow until May and the climate at this time last year was so cold but now it’s hot and windy. I don’t like wind it has always made me feel anxious and “prickly”. I’ve been passing my time with studying, and I’m really focused this go around with food chemistry.  I’m studying soil and ecosystems. I never watch the news. I find that since March everyone is just consumed with it. So many people are either panicked, paranoid, stoned or drinking . I see people without healthy outlets… I’m not here to judge It may seem like I am but I’m not. I’m just making an observation on how I see people taking in what’s going on in the world right now. I mean what even  is healthy anymore? What’s healthy to me may not work for you and vice versa.  Many people on Social Media go down the rabbit hole with their “theories” about what’s really going on right now…  I just observe never engage in discussion. I like to see people reading, researching and looking at things with open eyes or  a “woke” mentality. That’s healthy. Life as we know is shifting and changing. It has been in the works for some time and there have been signs if you believe that .If we had a lockdown who’s to say that it just couldn’t randomly happen again? Are we prepared? How are you going to handle it? We have to learn how to evolve and be prepared. I’m not saying start shopping and hoarding TP and canned food, although that’s a start maybe! We have to stay mentally and physically strong. Don’t neglect your workouts whatever that may be. You can get such an effective workout in your home . Your brain is a muscle too and needs  you to feed it. Instead of social media or binging on tv shows, try some documentaries. Crime ones are rad but they don’t do much for your psyche. I’ve  been watching my classics at night. I love Black and White film noir. The lighting, the intelligent dialogue and how  the interaction between male and female costars is romantic and mysterious, not lustful or graphic. Here’s a list of some of my favorites I’ve watched and rewatched so far; Movies for Lockdown 1. Charade with Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn. This is one of Audreys more serious roles and this movie has so many plot twists! Walter Matthau plays a great bad guy again in this one and the number two on my list. I LOVE him in these roles! 2. Strangers when we meet with Kirk Douglas and Kim Novak. This movie is shot so beautifully. It’s sweet and sad .I could see all sides of each character and it’s always a pleasure to watch for me. I love how the women look and dress in this film.  So elegant . 3. Wicked woman with Beverley Michaels (1953)  It’s simply hot, kitchy,  and fun to watch her hustle! https://youtu.be/BZSICG1L5x8?si=eTAZApbm9jKYFPdn 4. Killer Bait with Lisabeth Scott also known as “Too late for tears” This is a true Crime film noir. She’s such a femme fatale. I  love how LA looked back then and seeing all of the locations. I watched it here on youtube , gotta love that!! https://youtu.be/LGD_Brjpmak?si=GcyxBtnW-Pqwp8LT 5. Sunset Blvd. Gloria Swanson How can you not LOVE Norma Desmond ! She’s the modern day LSP!! Ok maybe this is only a reference I get  but it’s a brilliant movie and true classic. 6. Gilda Rita Hayworth .Rita is just perfection. I read her biography “If this was Happiness”  and that was heavy. https://books.google.com/books/about/If_this_was_Happiness.html?id=IXVZAAAAMAAJIt made me deeply sad to know she endured so much in her life. Watching her movies now I think “wow she was going through all of that yet she made such an incredible career for herself. It goes to show how professional and devoted she was to her craft.” Like so many entertainers I guess………. 7. Strangers on a Train, Rope, Vertigo, North by Northwest, Spellbound, The man who knew too much. Every single Alfred Hitchcock movie is perfect to me but start with the ones I suggested. 8. The Killing  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Killing_(film)1956 Sterling Hayden. This is I think one of Stanley Kubrick’s first films. Maybe his first? I watched this for the first time since I hadn’t seen this one and I loved it. Such a good story, so good!! 9. Phone call from a Stranger and Of Human Bondage With Bette Davis My two favorite movies with her:}} 10. Ok I’m just going to list a BUNCH of my favorite movies here. Some you may have seen or hey just rewatch them for laughs I mean what else are you doing right!!! Many are from the 80’s so some of you may think what !! But they are classics and so good ! At least I think so. Romancing the Stone (1984) Kathleen Turner -Michael Douglas, After Hours (1985) Griffin Dunne, Best in Show (2000) -Waiting for Guffman (1996) – Spinal Tap (1984) – A Mighty Wind All by Christopher Guest F$$$ing hilarious I think he’s brilliant,

Saturday April 4th Lockdown 1 month

How’s everyone doing today? It’s April 4th I had to click to see the date! My promise of” I’m going to be better and update you all has gone out the window . I’ve been on a month of lockdown as of now and my family and I are doing great. I’m trying to put positive vibrations out there  and I’m happy more and more of you are giving me positive feedback on here. I’ve always liked writing. It’s not only cathartic for me but I’m a n avid reader so I I feel like in reading ones blog you get a sense of who that person is like or at least their journey anyway. So if anyone caught the EXXXOTICA TV show I did last night “Happy Hour” it was a happy hour and a half of Jay Handy, Dan Davis and myself catching up.I tried not to be a boner killer and bring up anything that’s a downer but let’s be real here, we are all dealing with social distancing in various ways. Some of us are drinking more, smoking more, taking up new projects. For some it’s a really positive time to get a side hustle going, learn a new skill set or find a new job or path… I will be honest this has been a time of reflection and growth for me. I’ve been given the opportunity to take a completely different path as far as work is concerned but my soul is telling me to stay put right now. I’ve gone back to meditating and yoga first thing in the morning .I think we all can use this time to understand our purpose, path and what we are meant to do. If  what the world and humanity is going through right now can teach us anything it’s that we need to be prepared. Prepared meaning don’t put all your eggs in one basket.  Ok so you may not want to learn a new job, skill set or trade, but how about growing your own food? Compounding natural medicine? Teach yourself a new exercise routine, check out some self guided meditation or create your own? Teach yourself how to cook some simple recipes so you don’t rely on delivery? Fix some things around your house and learn how to repair small things. Learn a new language or watch a foreign movie and experience something different. Today I only did an hour of meditation of Yoga.  My best friend Charmane and I Face Timed and chatted about all of the old 80’s stuff we grew up on. She made Udon and I made Ramen we had such a nice catch up. It’s during this time I’d also like to mention that reaching out to people you don’t get to see or talk to that often is pleasantly surprising. I’ve LOVED hearing from so many old friends  from all over the world. It’s been so nice to catch up, hear what’s new in their world and see their pictures and growth as people.I don’t have Facebook so I only get on twitter really to promote (SORRY) and I’m like meh with IG. NOT because I don’t love and appreciate you guys and my friends /fans / followers I DO. I just don’t find social media “healthy” and I could care less about clout (obviously) Put your phone or tablet away and really limit yourself to an hour or two a day.. seriously… You don’t need it. You need to find other healthier ways to connect with yourself and manage your time. It just works a different part of your brain that can help you grow, obviously learn, and sleep better. Try to keep a schedule still and put on normal clothes during the day. Don’t let yourself go… for real. I don’t care if you’re not going out or if you live alone.Take pride in your heath and appearance. I mean unless you’re trying to grow out your roots or brows or beard I get it because razors are expensive!I know for a lot of us the unknown is what’s hard. If anything we need to utilize  this time to prioritize what’s important to us in life. Enjoy everything even what we think are the little things and to have GRATITUDE. We really need to  be GRATEFUL. I am so grateful for so much. Let’s be kinder to each other but also to ourselves.Some more things down below that you may find fun or things to do… if you want :}} XO Tera My friend Shawna Kenney http://www.shawnakenney.comhas some great books she’s written and published and she does a quarantine writers club! If you’d rather read one of  my favorite little (literally)books it’s called  The Little Book of Sloth Philosophy by Jenifer McCartney.http://jennifermccartneywrites.com Lavender and Peppermint oils. Lavender to relax and peppermint to energize. You all know I LOVE essential oils. The NOW brand http://www.nowfoods.com and Aura Cacia http://www.auracacia.comare inexpensive nice big bottles that I like a lot. You don’t even need to buy the Organic version. Tonic. Hot water in a mug with half a lemon (squeezed) cinnamon and a teaspoon of honey. Chop ginger in there if you want.It is  so good  and I drink this AM and PM. Apple Cider Vinegar!! A teaspoon in 6-8 oz of water 2 times a day 3x a week that’s good  enough for me. I also like to use oregano oil BUT FOLLOW the directions for Oregano oil CAREFULLY because  it’s very potent and spicy. I like and use the capsule form from http://zanehellas.com Ok shows : Adventure Time (LSP FOREVER), Breaking Bad, Alfred Hitchcock presents, Regular Show, It’s a Living (80’s trashy silly good LOL), Roseanne (I mean I LOVE it), Perry Mason, Murder She wrote, Fraggle Rock, Pink Panther (cartoons) You might find many of these on YOU Tube They are old but goodies, for me anyway!! Angel Dust  (Japanese), Irina Palm (British), Party Girl (1958), The Big Year (2011), Spirited Away,  Kiki’s Delivery Service