The Lisa Ann Experience Podcast

Reconnecting with Lisa Ann ! The power of social media re-connected me to some old and new industry friends. Lisa Ann was one of the first women I met when I first started in the adult industry, June of 1999. We always met in passing at trade shows .In 2003 I decided to start feature dancing and it was LisaAnn who took  the time to show me the ropes. I’ve always admired Lisa. She’s one of the few women in the Industry that I’ve found to be ethical, kind and willing to share her endless knowledge. It’s been great seeing her transcend the industry into Sports Radio and her very own Podcast! I was honored  when she asked me to make an appearance and catch up. We had a GREAT chat reminiscing about our time together in the Industry and when she made her feature dance tour in Italia. I hope you Enjoy it as much as I did!! XO Tera Check out the Podcast on The Lisa Ann Experience Today! Click on this link to to enjoy all of Lisa Ann’s podcasts at: The Lisa Ann Experience

Charmane (Super)Star

Hollywood life

Of COURSE my first Friend post is going to be about my best girlfriend / sister / partner in crime Charmane Star!! Who is Charmane and how  did we meet? Well if you’re new here, or new to me,  let’s go back in time to 1999. June of 1999 is when I started working in the Adult Industry. I had graduated nursing school and was working as a nurse. Two things happened simultaneously. The first being I did a test shoot for Playboy magazine, and the second is me being introduced to the biggest well only talent agent in adult films at the time Jim South of World Modeling Agency. It’s now August of 1999 and I’ve dipped my toes into Adult cinema. Having posed for nudie or Lad Mags and shot my fist adult feature film (Aroused) by Andrew Blake I had moved unbeknownst  to me to the “Porno Apartments” in Woodland Hills California. Since most adult films back then were filmed in The San Fernando Valley Woodland Hills had a few sets of apartments where Adult talent could easily rent and live your best life away from civilians. On a weekday afternoon lazing by the pool I was sunning and bathing and so was Charmane. We struck up a conversation and lo and behold we both work in Porn!! We are both from Norcal! We’re both asian! We both have the afternoon off! So let’s go get sushi and see what else we have in common!! LOL This turned into a fun afternoon and the start of a beautiful friendship. It’s twenty three years that  we’ve been friends.We’ve traveled together, celebrated life, and death , marriage and divorce (Me), we even bought our dogs together at the same time! I got my Chopper  a Toy Fox Terrier in Florida in 2003 and Charmane adopted Astrid a Chow-Labrador mix .We’ve  been next door neighbors twice over the years both of us living in West Hollywood . It was Charmane who  was by my side when I took my pregnancy test  and she was the only person (besides Tony the father) who knew I was pregnant for 3 months until I announced it. I KNOW she can keep a secret ! She was also there with me in labor and when I delivered Sophia :} Charmane is one of the closest people to me. Now that I live in Italy and she lives in France we are still very close and next door neighbors again! Well our countries count right ! I just wanted to give our back story and share a few OG pics of us! Enjoy XO Tera